
At Historium Press, our submissions process is a two-tiered process which gives you feedback to get your project ready for publication—from reviewers who are in the business, as well as our internal editorial staff. If your novel is ready, we’ll give you the go ahead. If it is not ready, the evaluation will detail weaknesses and suggest the next steps to ensure a quality manuscript.
We are looking for manuscripts in the following genres:
Historical Fiction
Historical Romance
Historical Mystery
Historical Biography
Historical Literary
Historical Time Travel/Time Slip
Historical Fantasy
Historical YA/Teen
Historicals for Children
Altenate Historical
Cozy Historicals
Historical Non-Fiction
Before submitting to Historium Press, please read about how our process works.
We are committed to bringing quality projects into the marketplace. Once you submit your manuscript below, you will receive an email confirmation that your submission has been received. Please allow four to six weeks for a response.
Again, please review this page for a detailed outline on how our two-part publishing process works.
If we determine that your manuscript is ready for publication, we will email you with a Historium Press contract which includes all the details of either the Elite Hybrid or Platinum Hybrid Publishing. Please review each model before proceeding so you will understand the process of our publishing house.
If we determine that your manuscript needs a bit more work, we will give you feedback and a recommendation for what your next steps with us should be. If we deem it needs more work, you are welcome to review our Royal Editing Package.
Thank you for your interest in publishing with Historium Press.
To submit, please fill out the the submissions form, and attach the first fifty pages of your manuscript, a query letter, and a book synopsis.
Formatting specifications include:
Common font (Times; Times New Roman; Georgia)
12-point font size
Page numbers included
Please label your file: LAST NAME_SUBMISSION.docx.
At this point in the process, please do not send your entire manuscript.